Empowered Learner

"...a student who has significant opportunities, voice and choice for purposeful engagement in deep, authentic learning."

Students who are empowered learners are eager to pursue learning, both in and out of traditional school settings. They have agency, which is the capacity and propensity to take purposeful initiative. They are self-aware about their learning preferences and self-reflective about their own process of learning. These students are excited each day to return to learning environments with peers, teachers and the intellectual challenges that await. They are cognitively and social-emotionally engaged in their schoolwork and intellectually curious in their personal lives. And they have a digital toolkit with a full range of technologies, applications and software, which they proficiently use to amplify, deepen, expand and enrich thinking and learning.

How do you help students develop as empowered learners?

  • Increase Student Motivation

  • Address Social Emotional Engagement

  • Improve Self-Direction

  • Use Feedback Constructively

  • Purposeful Develop Digital Fluency

Student Motivation

What does a student who is motivated look like?

Social Emotional Engagement

What does a student who is socially-emotionally engaged look like?


What does a student who is self-directed look like?

Constructive Use of Feedback

What does a Student who Uses Feedback Constructively look like?

Digital Fluency

What does a student who is digitally fluent look like?